Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Prostitute: Avodah Zarah 17a

It was taught that there was not a single prostitute who Rabbi Elazar ben Dordaya had not patronized.  He once heard of a prostitute in a distant land whose price was whole purse full of dinars.  Rabbi Elazar took a purse of dinars, and traveled across seven rivers (to visit her.)

When they started to have relations, she farted.  She said 'Just as this wind will never return to its origin, so do Elazar ben Dordaya will not be accepted as a penitent/returner.'

Elazar ben Dordaya left and sat between two mountains and hills  He called out, 'Mountains and hills, request mercy for me!'  The mountains and hills replied, 'Before we can seek mercy for you, we must seek mercy for ourselves...'

Elazar ben Dordaya cried out, 'Heaven and Earth, seek mercy for me!'  Heaven and Earth replied, 'Before we can seek mercy for you, we must seek mercy for ourselves...'

Elzar ben Dordaya  cried out, 'Sun and Moon, seek mercy for me!'  Sun and Moon replied, 'Before we can seek mercy for you, we must seek mercy for ourselves...'

Elazar ben Dordaya  cried out, 'Stars and Constellations, seek mercy for me!'  Stars and Constellations replied, 'Before we can seek mercy for you, we must seek mercy for ourselves...'

Elazar ben Dordaya said, 'The matter depends solely on myself.'  He rested his head on his knees and burst forth weeping until his soul departed.  

A Heavenly voice proclaimed, 'Rabbi Elazar ben Dordaya is invited to Heaven!'  

...Rabbi Meir cried when he heard this story, and said, 'Some acquire their share in Heaven over many years, and others in an hour.'  Rabbi Meir also said, 'It is not enough that penitents are accepted, they are even called, "Rabbi."'