It is forbidden to tell G-d's praise. {Rashi states this means that it is forbidden to create a new blessing, presumably to add onto the Amida. Without this explanation that statement is shocking!} As Rebbe Elazar stated, Why is it written: (Psalms 106:2) 'Who can tell the might of G-d, and announce all of His praise?' For whom is it pleasant to recount G-d's might? Only the one who can tell of ALL of his praise. {i.e. not do a partial job - which is the only true possibility given that G-d is infinite.} Raba bar bar Hanna taught in the name of Rebbe Yochanan, One who speaks of G-d's praise too much is uprooted from the world, as it is written, (Job 37:20) Is anything conveyed to Him when I speak? If a person speaks he will be destroyed.' {the plain meaning according to JPS is 'Is anything conveyed to Him when I speak? Can a man say anything when he is confused?' The Hebrew is ambiguous which makes for juicy drashot!} Rebbe Yehuda of Kfar Giburia, and some say it was Rebbe Yehuda of Kfar Gibur Chayil, said why is it written, (Psalms 65:2) 'For you, silence is praise.' {Again that is a midrashic translation, the plain meaning is 'Praise befits you.' Thanks JPS!} The universal medicine is silence. As Rav Dimi said, They say in Eretz Israel, a word is worth one sela [a coin], silence is worth two coins.
Why is silence so much more valuable than creativity in this context?