Monday, July 25, 2011

Premonitions of Death: Yoma 39B

Only on the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, could the High Priest enter the most sacred spot in Judaism, the 'Holy of Holies' in Jerusalem's temple. Here is a tale of an eerie moment related to this most sacred of rituals.

Our rabbis taught that on the year that Shimon the Righteous [the High Priest] died, he foretold, "I will die this year." His companions asked Shimon, "How do you know?" Shimon replied to them, "Every Yom Kippur an old man in white garments and a white turban would appear [in a vision] and enter with me [to the Holy of Holies] and come out of [the Holy of Holies] with me. Today instead an old man appeared dressed in black garments with a black turban. The old man entered [the Holy of Holies] with me, but did not come out with me."

After Sukkot [a Jewish festival that immediately follows Yom Kippur] Shimon fell ill for seven days and died.

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