Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Shabat 129a: Not endorsed by the Red Cross

The Rabbis of the Talmud used bloodletting for medical reasons.  Some were big believers in drinking wine after such a procedure:

After bloodletting... Rav Yosef would drink wine until the smell came out of his ears....

All forms of trickery are forbidden, save for the following case.  If one underwent bloodletting and cannot afford wine for recovery, he should take worn out coins, and come and go among the stores up to the point he has consumed a revi'it (Talumdic measure - a cup more or less) of wine.

Rashi explains that it was customary for wine sellers to give customers a taste of wine before buying.  One should go to a wine shop, pretend to be about to buy, take a taste, then offer to pay with a worn out coin.  After the wine shop owner refuses to accept such a coin as payment, one should continue on to the next wine shop, and repeat until the tastes sum up to the measure of wine required to heal from the bloodletting.  

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